Fact Sheet


Liberty Financial Group Limited (ACN 125 611 574) (Company) and Liberty Fiduciary Ltd (ACN 119 884 623) (Responsible Entity) in its capacity as responsible entity of the Liberty Financial Group Trust (ARSN 644 813 847) (Trust) (together, Liberty Financial Group)

Business Description

Liberty is a leading financial services business with operations across Australia and New Zealand. Liberty provides a broad range of solutions for customers including those who are not well served by conventional finance companies. Liberty has developed a unique combination of core competencies that produce competitive advantage and long-term financial performance.

Business Established



Liberty Financial Group (LFG) is listed on:
The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)
Level 4, 525 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Its securities are listed under ASX code: LFG.

Registered Office

Level 16, 535 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000

Liberty Group Websites

Board of Directors

Richard Longes (Chair, Independent Non-Executive Director)
James Boyle (Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer)
Peter Hawkins (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Sherman Ma (Executive Director)
Leona Murphy (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Jane Watts (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Company Secretary

Peter Riedel, Chief Financial Officer



Share Registry

Website: https://www.linkmarketservices.com.auGeneral Shareholder Enquiries
+61 1300 554 474 (toll free within Australia)
+61 1300 554 474 (outside Australia)
Call Centre hours: 8:30am to 7:30pm - Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays)Email: registrars@linkmarketservices.com.auPostal address
Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235
Sydney - Head Office
Level 12
680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Melbourne Address
Level 13, Tower 4
727 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

© Liberty Financial Group Limited (ACN 125 611 574) and Liberty Fiduciary Ltd (ACN 119 884 623).